Thursday, 30 September 2010


Success is for you and me, Now go for it.   

                                         HOW TO HAVE BEST AFRICAN LEADERS
  Those aspiring to be in the three tiers of government (the  Executive, the Legistaure and  the Judiciary) in Africa should be  castrated people, never have familie(s),  and must not be Religious   nor have anything to do with friends.Ofcourse call them aliens . It is  important to note that the do-or die situation of the leadership   Blessed continent but yet they people are poor.Their  natural  resources in the hands of the few who seriously rendered and  struggle in Africa are the core reason  of suffrance of her citizens.  sqaundered the weath of their continent with their so-called western  counterparts. Taboo.
         If the West are serious to assists Africans they should have  allowed they poor that came to their shores to breath the air of  another. That they poor people are running away from mosquitoes  freedom. They should not have instituted deportation of the  innocent who his or her only crime is nothing but entering illigally  . Am not naive here nor am I supporting an invasion of a country  by  and their homeland  governments  who could not provide  the basic  social  needs are enough reasons to grant them stay. Yes they  people are dieing enmass while their counterparts in Europe are  enjoying the dividends of democracy. Look at the minimun age limit  of Africans one is tempted to ask the West if they are waiting till the  last man drops dead before the includes or package Mosqitoes  attacks as humanintarian reason for granting Africans Refuge status.
        Who is fooling who ?   That when the West wants to visit Africa they equipped   themselves with malaria  preventions whereas those out their have  no prevention.the costs of the malaria prevention  tablets am talking   about are so high that the poor in Africa cannot afford it even if we   are given those tablets.The reality of it all is hence their is no   action towards alleviating the catastrophic and disastrous doom,
let us declare it a humanitarian reason for granting African Refuge  status now .  solved the problem but if  they have  no friends, no families and  They west should henceforth stop all levels of cooperation with  have no connection to religion and her leaders ; frankingly speaking  they African leaders until my aboved mention class of leaders  emerged. The worst is if you only castrate a leader, you have not  they shall have the yearnings of they poor citizens in their hearts  Where can we get such Alien people ? Help please. The question now is  how and when shall will  be able to get such   leaders ;my answer is no where, no time and no generation in Africa.

 By admin Opara, Danwa

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