They stars are afraid of the sun and in their vast domain hide they radical shadow without a call to pray. was it by mistake or an intentional art of reservation ?. Children have no where to hide and out of their unimaginal sense of unknownt emerged the voice of infants who saw their parents as strong protector only to be disappointed .
As they were afraid so was their parents who never saw reasons to explain to their kids of the impending axils of evil in this mudane world.. While man knows that death is inevitable , fear of dieing remains a terrible torture to his existence. Mankind is a combination of distruction married to money which temporarily provides power and strenght.then exit like the winter birds.
Call it death if you like but as for me it is far more than death which happens once whereas fear is the process of dieing more than once.without facing the original death.In this world every living organisms fears; they small fears they big ones and the big ones fears they small ones. The lions and the elephant fears the little flies. Yet all pretends to be the leader, all hided and hanged the dooms` element in the bateke dance. They witches and wizards are afraid while they leaders of nations are even afraid of their Cooks. Yet they commanded them with reckless abandon.
They lives of masters and madams are in they hands of their servants yet they pretended not to know. They rent and bomb without impunity. Fear is incurable and even as all pretends to be without fear , everyone has what he or she fears.It is not a gainsaying nor do we need the services of they soothsayers ?.
Those who have access to weapons of mass destruction are today afraid of terrorism , They terrorists are afraid of being seem in the public,Everywhere is fear and everywhere we are all afraid .
Talk of fear of natural disasters, accident, fire,flying with airoplane, plying on the sea shores of Somalia, fears of gathering togather, fears of hunger, fears of malaria,fears of Aids,Fears of diseases. Having zeal to eliminate all these, medicines, condoms, prevention, security and many other things have been invented and developed but they only achived electronic therapy but the real fear dominates every living thing.
From the East, West, South and North fear leads, detects and commands and harvest casualities as it wishes and demands. The day has come and gone and we are born to sleep but fear never goes to sleep,We sleep with fear of unknow , our thoughts goes with death, thieves, fire, natural disasters or terrorism. We wake up daily only to hear new havocs of fear.
The hero is fear , it is the silent killer which have destroyed the best of creation. It is not a friend , it has no mercy . Even while dieing we die with the fear of going to Heaven or hell.. Fear does not die, it is not physical, nor does it have an office. While we are encouraged to have faith in God and fear not; they same men of God employes security men to protect them from the terrors of fear.. Why not forget they security men and hold fast to God.? whiy do the trust mankind for protection.? preach this and do another thing.
For one to know what is fear ,he should enter into a room and close everywhere without light, the outcome is only a fragement piece of fear . Fear is real, it exists. All fears and all dies with fear.
Ask the he-goat about his opinion, his response is that he does not know his faith after the dawn of the market day. whether his master will kill him for peppersoup or not..
What of fear alien , fear of future ,fear of a woman on a labour,fear of children being sexually molested, fear of ritualists, fear of kidnappers, fear of loosing an election, fear of examination failures, fear of disgrace, fear of loosing jobs, fear of love, fear of first dating. ? Fears are uncountable and has many faces.
Our society is full of fear and no one is perfect., no one is exempted. we all have fallen and we are all loyal to fear.
To encourage the Believers , the powers behind addressed fear with the mandatory shame of satan , yet they employed security men and does not eat anyhow just for the fear of being killed. Why have they chosen the way of satan which they baptised satan with ?.
Fear not they said but when you get to their Church premises only to see an erosion of armed security men all around.. But fear becomes their every seconds sermon. They put fear on their congregations only to be worshipped more than God.
I am only afraid of the pains of poverty, corruption, injustices, deprivation and the wickedness of man , Indeed man`s inhumanity to man. That is my fear . With this type of fear our society will be a better place for us all.
from Admin Opara
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